Guidelines for ensuring a transparent and mutually beneficial coaching relationship.
Michael Neel Coaching, LLC is not an employment agent, financial analyst, psychotherapist, or business manager. Michael Neel Coaching, LLC does not promise, shall not be obligated to, and will not:
1) Procure or attempt to procure employment, business, or sales for the client
2) Perform accounting services, tax advising, or investment counseling
3) Act as a therapist providing psychological counseling, psychoanalysis, or behavioral therapy.
Coaching is for individuals who are emotionally and psychologically sound and who want to make self-actualizing changes in their lives. Clients who enter into contract with Michael Neel Coaching, LLC understand that the coaching process can be rigorous and is designed to draw participants outside of their comfort zones. A client who enters into a contract with Michael Neel Coaching, LLC acknowledges that the client is adequately equipped for the challenges of coaching and is responsible for their own health and wellness needs at all times.
Michael Neel Coaching, LLC is rigorously committed to client confidentiality and abides by the ethical standards of the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics. For more information, please review these standards in Part 4 of the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics, which describe the ICF ethical principles and ethical standards for behavior for all ICF professionals.
If you have specific questions about policies, liability, privacy, confidentiality, or any other matter related to Michael Neel Coaching, LLC, please reach out to